Saturday 10 November 2012

I've had enough okay. So no more binging and purging. No more purging AT ALL. I am sick of being in this rut of disgustingness. I need to shrink, NOW.
So here's what's going to happen. Limit of 500 calories FOREVER, no more. 100 sit-ups a night, 150 bicycle crunches, 20 minuites of cycling and more if i am feeling very energetic. NO MORE SCALES. I am now going to post progress pictures every saturday! That will be starting NEXT week. But this will discourage me not to binge/purge on friday and saturday which are the main binge/purge days. Then if i feel that i actually look smaller, i will step on those scales and tell y'all what i weigh. But right now, that information is confidential.
I need to be thin. I have had enough of being stuck at the same weight range with the same flabby areas. It has come to the point where i have finally gave in.
I don't care if i am weak, i don't care if i faint, if my hair falls out, if i die. I JUST DON'T CARE ANYMORE.
Watch me shrink bitches, you will be jealous.

1 comment:

  1. I like the plan.
    Try to take it slow the first couple of days though.
    And yes, we will be jealous ;)
