Friday, 2 November 2012

Hello! I missed you guys!

Again it has been so long since i last posted! But not a lot has changed. I am still a fat pig EL OH EL. I am 117 pounds, ew. Like what the fuck is going on with the lose/ gain cycle it is pissing me off!

Anyways i wished i had posted earlier about clean november so you guys could join in if you wanted. Clean november is eating all GOOD foods. So vegetables/fruits/protein ect. It is not all about restricting it is about being healthy, while restricting. I know restricting isn't healthy but i don't care! I find when i restrict i am eating some bad foods so clean november is the start of the new me. This also means no purging, which is going to be sooooo hard to give up. Oh and i am giving up cutting too, i had been like a week clean until 2 days ago. But i am staying strong again. If i manage to stay on track i won't have much of a reason to cut.

Oh and i have starting to ease in to becoming vegan. I am eating tofu, which y'all should try it is amazing low calories and has lots of protien in! I am also using soya milk, with the ceral i don't often eat but oh well it's less calories than normal milk!

I got a diary yesterday! So i am going to be logging food on that as well as myfitnesspal (add me: Rebecca_28) i have set my goal weight at the front and others as well. My first goal weight is 112 lbs. I hope to be this by the end of november or lower. I am sure i will be able to get this if i stick to clean november. NO, I WILL STICK TO CLEAN NOVEMBER!

If anybody wants to get in touch with me just e-mail me:
or kik me: i_want_skinny
add me on instagram? @_am_i_perfect_yet_
add me on twitter? @nolifewithana
or tumblr:

i know i have a lot of social networking sites because i have no life okay? Don't be scared to talk ask me anything just go on any of my pages! I am on twitter and instagram more often. If you add me on instagram you'll be able to see ugly pictures of my fat body?

Okay i'll leave y'all alone now.
Stay strong lovelies!


  1. Awww, we missed you too!
    117 is AMAZING compared to my 127 :p So do't feel too bad.
    I followed you on Twitter! And don't worry, I'm on a few websites myself. Yay for having so much time to blow! :) Haha
    Take care!!!

    1. Yay! Thanks for following me on twitter and sorry if i spam your timeline haha! Wow 127 is good! 117, for my height is ugh gross! haha you too <3

  2. Oh huni <3 you are not a fat pig.. You are gorgeous and amazing and anyone who says otherwise needs a slap.

    I am glad you are back and I am so pleased that you managed to go two weeks without cutting that is actually amazing - beyond amazing. I know how hard it is but it is doable. Dont give up - it gets easier!

    Lots of love - will email you :) xx

    1. I am a fat pig! You are the one who is gorgeous and amazing! Thanks! Yes e-mail me! <3

  3. I wish I was 117... You are in no way a fat pig at 117. I'm about 10 lbs heavier than that... I would do the clean November thing but at the moment I'm sick and I plan to live off of processed soup for at least a few more days... Maybe when I'm better i can finish november the clean way with you? Stay strong with the eating and don't cut! Don't ruin your progress. :)

    1. WOW no you don't i'm in the land of fatness here! Awh, i'm sorry you're sick! Remeber clean november is healthy, not so much restricting! Stay strong <3
