Friday, 3 August 2012

Yesterday sucked. I binged purged and cut. Failure. But today is a new day and I am not going give up! I am doing a six hour fast today! So I am just having dinner with the family! Things are going well so far and t 11:24! I have been on my bike for 40 mins and I felt really good (:

So my goals have altered! I want to be 108lbs by the end of this month! Which is possible! So then after I reach that I want to be 100 by December! Or maybe 95? But things sound much easier than they really are!

I need to be strong when I am weak! No chocolate, no fizzy drinks, from now on for a whole month! Starting my 21days from now! I will be strong.


  1. Heya hun... today is a new day :) I have every faith in you that you can do this you are one of the strongest people I know.. Good luck for today you are doing so well so far <3 xx

    1. hey! yeah i have be 108 by september! thanks so much! i cant believe you think im strong. i feel so weak! xxx
