Hey guys!
So my 24 hour fast turned into a 23 and half and hour fast since my mother made me eat before 7! Typical. We had salmon though, which is a good fat burning food and salad. Which is 190 calories. Is it sick that I think that my intake to too high? Meh.
So tomorrow is my last day of my summer! I'm so sad. I am a little nervous to get back to school because of exams. I am also nervous to see my friends, I haven't seen them in so long because well I pushed them all away. I am also terrified if they see my cuts. I havent cut on my wrist and at all since Saturday! Yay! So hopefully they won't be as noticeable.
So I am getting a laptop tomorrow! Yay! So I might actually be able to post something on my new YouTube account which you might want to subscribe to? My username is: thehauntedwithin. I also have a twitter: @nolifewithana which you can follow. And my instagram which I am never off which is: @_am_i_perfect_yet_
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