Wednesday 5 September 2012

Okay so I binged again. Blah, what a failure. So yes I cut my thigh and arm to pieces because I couldn't purge (parents are in) Gah.

Oh yeah I have school tomorrow. Shoot me now. God I am so fucking nervous I have no idea why. I have had 2 anxiety attacks tonight and I'm sorry I haven't been to the doctors about it yet, I just hate the doctors so fucking much.

So I really want to fast tomorrow but my fucking mother makes me have breakfast, which I might try wiggle myself out of.

Sleep, is impossible right now. I have to get up at 7:15 and it 12am. I'm not even tired. I have so much on my mind it's like 'brain shut up'

Sorry for my very rushed post. I really need to get around to reading all blogs sorry! So tomorrow I will post my first ever YouTube video so go subscribe to: thehauntedwithin
Okay bai!!!

1 comment:

  1. oh huni i am so sorry - you are doing so well - dont let this minor slip get you down :) love youuu! xx
