Monday, 3 September 2012

So yeah I haven't been on in ages sorry! I need to catch up on all my blogs and stuff haha! So since I haven't been on for a while I'm not gunna waffle on about that past.

So today. I binged, failure. So I exercised my butt off. Then I started feeling like I was gunna throw up and went all shaky. Then I fainted. That sucked. I still feel very blah not good! But at least I burned some cals right? Despite all this I am fasting tomorrow. Well I started at 7pm and I'm ending at 7pm tomorrow. So wish me luck.

Okay parents. My dad is an asshole. "well you shouldn't of ate so much you pig" she said while I was complaining that I was full. "you lazy cow" he said while I was saying that I hadn't been for a run today. Seriously what is his problem? Who pissed in his cereal? What did I do? I mean he just touched in 2 very sensitive subjects. About my weight and how much I exercise. So yeah he sort of motivated me to burn all the calories and then he said after I fainted "I think you need to stop exercising so much" Gah shoot me please. Can't do anything right.

Okay friends. I never look on Facebook anymore. So I decided to see what was going on. I come across a new photo album of all my best friends hanging out without me. You have no idea how shit that made me feel. Like I'm just forgettable, not fun and a pain in the arse. One more thing knocked of 'things I like about me' list, my personality is obviously shit. But them, she had the nerve to next me asking if I had done my homework. Argh.

I am going back to school on Thursday. I really don't want to go. Gah.

Random fat comparison picture of me.


  1. You are not fat my love you have such an amazing thigh gap and you are doing so well! That was really insensitive of your dad, let it go in one ar and out the other, I hope you are well my dear <3 stay strong and be careful of not fainting. Ensure that you stay hydrated, remember hydration is more than drinking water, you must ensure that you have sufficient sodium levels to keep the water from passing out so quickly when you exercise! Skimmed milk is hydrating - even if you have a bit when you feel faint that is often enough to save you from fainting <3 Love you doll <3 x

    1. Hey!
      Yeah I try not to listen to him but it's hard sometimes you know? Thanks for the advice I will sure be downing that water haha! Much love xx
