Wednesday, 20 June 2012

Blink-182 were amazing, i had one of the best nights in a while. Exept my dad was a complete dick taking me to Newcastlem so i am currently not talking to him.

I feel like shit right now. I feel so dizzy and like i'm doing to faint. So I ate shit loads because i thought it was that. Just got worse. I might be tired or something i don't know but it is awfull.

I had my last exam today so i can have a nice relaxing night tonight. So i am just sitting on my arse in bed. Think i might get a hot water bottle and have an early night. How exciting am i! I do have my sposered walk tomorrow. I will burn calories from what i have gained over my last couple of binges. But it is supposed to chuck it down in rain tomorrow *cry* The great british summer time is so lovely isn't it! So there is going to be one wet, fat, sweaty person. I don't want to go might take advantage of me feeling crap at the moment. Try get the day off maybe.

But the lamest thing about this is that i have to go shopping for my last camping trip this weekend. Thank god it's the last one! I really hate the stress of shopping though. Mainly because i don't want to get any food because of obvious reasons and because i hate having to carry it with everything else on my back! My shoulder are going to be dead by the end of sunday!

No more revising yey! Going to bed now at half eight, this is depressing haha.



  1. Haha, you know you're getting old when an early night in sounds like the best thing ever.

    Good luck on your walk tomorrow! I hope the stupid rain is a no show.

    1. Haha. Unfortunatly it did not, i got very wet today. Was the lamest thing ever! Thank you for following me xxxx
