Monday, 11 June 2012

The unwritten rules of being skinny (sort of)

Today i was sitting alone with my mind and all i could think about was food and how fat i was ect. ect. Then i was thinking there are certain rules that you have to stick to to be skinny right? Well 1) eat less, if you eat les you won't gain weight pretty simple 2) exercise, pretty straightforward you need to exercise to get rid of all the flab more quickly. 3) Be cold, yes i mean feel cold, when you shivver you burn so many calories. So i guess the last one is the only one unwritten but still sticking to these tree rules must mean perfection.

368 calories today. I am cutting it close to 400 which is my limit for today. Oh yeah, today is my first day on the skinny girl diet. So my start weight from today is 112lbs, so happy when i seen this! So hopefully i will be seeing 105lbs in 30 days time.

I was recording my food intake on myfitnesspal today (which is amazing, totaly recomend) and when i finished it told me that if everyday was like today i would be 101lbs in 5 weeks time. If only, right. Ha i really want to stick to this diet more than anything. However i know there will be binges in between because i have the mothers, dad, sisters, brothers birthdays coming up this summer. Which means cake and big family meals *cry*.  Need to be postitive though, i will 101lbs in 5 weeks time!

Well this morning, there was no electric in the house. This ment a great awkward silence between me and my mum this morning. It was awful. She keeps on asking me questions, i wish i could send messages to her through brain waves because who can be arsed to talk at 8 in the morning! Well she decised to be extra annoying this morning and demand i take a sandwich to school. I didn't even get a choice, she had alreay made it before i came downstairs. Not only a sandwich she made me take but an apple too! Well these pieces of food, went into the bin. Was i hell eating that on my first day of skinny girl diet! I am acctually quite glad she is making me these sandwiches because she thinks i am eating through the day, which i'm not. But this also gives me an excuse not to eat bread with my dinner, because i have alreay had some....well in her case. Also she won't be as concerned about me and will leave me alone when i don't fnish my dinner because i would of had something else as well that day...
  To be honest i think i would rather chuck my food out that shes made for me and say i've ate it rather than trying to convince her why i don't like eating lunch. She has made that job a lot easier. However i really hope my friends don't notice me putting it in the bin. I done it rather slighly today because i did it when i put my chewing gum wrapper in the bin too.

I had my maths exam today, it went okay. I don't really want to talk about it because more i think about it the more i think i've failed.

Next exams are on friday which is History and Chemistry, gah really not a good day on friday ha. What ever happened to thank god it's friday?

110lbs by friday? Lets go for it! 300 calories tomorrow, will be a breeze when i am dancing tomorrow night!
My diet for the next 30 days:
And some thinspo:

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